3 (three) - vertaling naar
Online Woordenboek

3 (three) - vertaling naar

3+3; 3 plus 3; Three plus three; Three + Three; If You Were There

  • 16px
  • The [[Shield of the Trinity]] is a diagram of the Christian doctrine of the Trinity.
  • 50px
  • Symbol of the Triple Goddess showing the waxing, full and waning Moon
Three-ness; Number 3; ₃; ٣; ۳; Triad (Greek philosophy); 3; The number three; ৩; ३; ៣; ➌; ➂; ❸; Triad (symbol); 𐡚; ꩓; ༣; ௩; ੩; ౩; ૩; ୩; ೩; ൩; ߃; ໓; ၃; ႓; ꧓; ᥉; 𐒣; ꣓; Thirdly; 3 (digit); (III); Flat-top 3; Flat top three; Flat-top three; Flat top 3; Three (number); 3 (number); 3️⃣; ASCII 51; \x33; U+0033
= en tercer lugar
Ex: Thirdly, there may well be a growth in computer-assisted learning using expert systems and other interactive learning software in a variety of disciplines.
  • 16px
  • The [[Shield of the Trinity]] is a diagram of the Christian doctrine of the Trinity.
  • 50px
  • Symbol of the Triple Goddess showing the waxing, full and waning Moon
Three-ness; Number 3; ₃; ٣; ۳; Triad (Greek philosophy); 3; The number three; ৩; ३; ៣; ➌; ➂; ❸; Triad (symbol); 𐡚; ꩓; ༣; ௩; ੩; ౩; ૩; ୩; ೩; ൩; ߃; ໓; ၃; ႓; ꧓; ᥉; 𐒣; ꣓; Thirdly; 3 (digit); (III); Flat-top 3; Flat top three; Flat-top three; Flat top 3; Three (number); 3 (number); 3️⃣; ASCII 51; \x33; U+0033
Número 3; Numero 3; III; 3 (número)
n. three, number 3


Ácido graso omega-3
ácido graso con un enlace doble situado en el tercer átomo de carbono contado a partir del extremo omega (metilo) de la molécula. Las fuentes principales son el pescado de aguas frías y los aceites vegetales. Los ácidos grasos omega-3, como el ácido eicosapentaenoico y el ácido docosahexaenoico, parecen tener funciones protectoras en la prevención de coágulos de sangre, y reducen el riesgo de cardiopatía coronaria.


3 + 3

3 + 3 is the eleventh album released by the Isley Brothers for the Epic label under their T-Neck imprint on August 7, 1973. In 2020, the album was ranked at 464 on Rolling Stone's 500 Greatest Albums of All Time list.

Uitspraakvoorbeelden voor 3 (three)
1. Uh, you overestimated, 5. So, 3. Three of
Breaking the Sound Barrier _ Amy Goodman _ Talks at Google
Voorbeelden uit tekstcorpus voor 3 (three)
1. On August 3, three more died when a suicide car bomber hit their checkpoint.
2. Three sevens equals 21 (2+1=3). Three represents the positive mind.
3. JERUSALEM, Aug. 3 –– Three weeks ago, 21–year–old Staff Sgt.
4. About half of all single Japanese men aged from 25–3' – three million of them – live with their parents.
5. Woods lost his father Earl to cancer on May 3, three weeks after an unsuccessful defense of his U.S.